Prayer Ministry

Our prayer ministry follows a weekly program designed to focus on different prayer needs in our community and beyond, and we meet regularly to pray as a group. We believe prayer exists to create a union between us, God, and each other, a door through which His goodness can flow into and through us. We invite God to heal our …

Health Ministry

A ministry of healing by which people can be restored to wholeness, our health program provides education, nutrition guidance, blood sugar and blood pressure testing, and many other benefits. Whole-person care addresses the four dimensions of wholistic health: mental, physical, spiritual, and social. The four foundational principles which guide our philosophy are: 1) Inspiration – We study the Word as …

Women’s Ministry

Our women's program offers special events and services specific to women's needs. This women-led group is a place for all women in our church and community to develop their skills and abilities and realize their God-given purpose. This ministry is geared toward service while providing a safe and supportive environment for women to grow in their relationship with Christ and …

children's ministry

Children’s Ministry

We love our kids! We support families with children ages 0-18. The children in our church have opportunities to play together while growing spiritually, through weekly Sabbath School classes and other activities throughout the year. Our twice-a-year Youth Sabbath features the young people in our worship service, and our VBS program every summer is a hit with kids and parents …

woman handing out clothing

Community Services

Our church seeks to be the hands and feet of Jesus by serving those in need in our community. We aim to love our neighbors as ourselves. This includes volunteer activities that we perform for the community on a regular basis, such as hospitality meals, concerts, and holiday programs. We are also involved with Circle-U and Harvest House, which provides …